Pitch + Style Guidelines
Submissions should be sent to
Pitch Guidelines
Pitch: Pitch your idea (max 400 words) with an estimated word count and production timeline.
Timeline: The editorial team will contact you to discuss the timeline details according to your pitch (research, criticism, creative nonfiction, etc.).
First Draft: Submit the first draft to be read by the editorial team following the agreed timeline, trying not to exceed the word count to ensure a smooth revision process.
Revisions: The editorial team will review submissions following standard editorial practices. When you and the editorial team reach a consensus on the final draft, the piece will move to publication.
Obs: Texts by guest authors remain unedited and are published as submitted.
Publication: Kincoculture will be launched digitally and will cover film, the arts, and other cultures. We hope to introduce print editions soon.
Style Guidelines
Please follow the following editorial guidelines:
Font: Georgia, 12 pt, Use single spacing.
Cite all sources.
Non-academic pieces: Use hyperlinks when possible.
Academic and research papers: Use proper citation formatting and add “Works Cited” and/or “Footnotes” when necessary.
MLA, APA, AP, and Chicago are preferred, but whatever style is used, be consistent.
Images (i.e., photos, illustrations) require citation.
Add top right corner page numbers and a word count at the end of each draft.
Images: Submit JPEG, PNG, or TFF on Google Drive or WeTransfer, 70-300 ppi, 2,500 px in the longest dimension. Add captions and relevant source info (location, date, etc.).
Please Note: Fact-checking and accuracy is the writer’s responsibility. Kinoculture editors will not carry out fact-checking.